Jumping ahead two years and Dustin now has a Stepcraft D.840 and D.300 with Laser, Milling Bath, T-Slot table, 4th Axis, and Automatic Tool Changer. "I have made some knife handles and gun grips owned by musicians and used in movies. Because of this, I went from 300 Instagram followers to over 6000 with one of my companies and 99,000 with Dark Alliance Firearms who I make parts and gun grips for. My company and I could not be happier with our machines. Since we have expanded we added a resident CNC design genius Petri Asikainen to our team and we feel now that the sky is the limit."
How To Contact Dustin
Instagram - Burkett Customs - https://www.instagram.com/burkettcustoms/
Facebook - Burkett Family Custom Knives - https://www.facebook.com/burkettfamilycustomknives
Dustin's Gallery
Take a look below at some of the amazing projects that Dustin has created with his STEPCRAFT CNC systems. He creates truly amazing knife handles using the 4th Axis and works with exotic materials like mammoth ivory. If you have ever wondered what you can create with a small format CNC, Dustin certainly shows some fine examples of what a little creativity, imagination, and desire to create the best possible products for his customer.
Dustin Hill - Burkett Family Custom Knives, Burkett Customs